The Reading Without Limits Difference

The Power to Read Better

How is Reading Without Limits different than other programs?

Our program is based on the foundation that proficient reading is the result of three processes working in harmony.

Multiple skills are required for proficient reading.
These skills fall into three categories 

Traditional reading and Dyslexia programs fall short because they only address one or two areas of deficit.

Our proprietary testing and treatment utilizes all three categories to generate real results.

Each student’s treatment program is customized for their specific difficulties and optimized for maximum results. 

By isolating which of these factors are limiting reading ability, our licensed providers can correct them using specific drills designed to improve reading performance quickly and easily.

Most students in our program read at or above their grade level in about 3 months with more confidence and motivation.

By combining reading drills with vision processing drills (visual cross training), the Reading Without Limits program accelerates reading performance.

Readers can instantly identify words, read faster, have better fluency, sustain attention, and achieve fuller comprehension.

We Realize Phonics Is Not For Everybody

Have you already tried phonics-based reading programs and failed to see results?

This is why.

Phonics does not work for everyone, especially if your child has a problem with Auditory Processing.

Auditory Processing is the ability to identify, organize, localize, sequence, and remember sound information. 

Phonics-based approaches are less successful, because sound patterns are hard to remember, have confusing rules, and too many exceptions to the rules. 

Scientific research has shown that students with dyslexia respond very poorly to phonics based reading programs.

The Reading Without Limits program can correct dyslexia like no other program. 

Our Visual Cross-Training Approach Works Wonders

This is why.

Phonics does not work for everyone, especially if your child has a problem with Auditory Processing.

Auditory Processing is the ability to identify, organize, localize, sequence, and remember sound information. 

Phonics based approaches are less successful, because sound patterns are hard to remember, have confusing rules, and too many exceptions to the rules. 

Our visually based approach is more successful because it is 

  • simple to use, 
  • has easy to remember rules, 
  • and shows very few exceptions to the rules. 

Once a struggling reader learns visual pattern recognition strategies, their reading performance increases dramatically.

Visual Processing is not just about seeing clearly, but rather clearly understanding what is seen. It requires the ability to identify, organize, localize, sequence, and remember visual information. The Reading Without Limits method is unique and highly successful, because it relies on visual pattern recognition and not sound pattern recognition. By teaching readers to look for key letter patterns in words (word anchors), they are able to identify words with incredible speed and accuracy.

Our strategy outperforms traditional phonics based reading programs.  

Most struggling readers can immediately read complex words above their grade level without any verbal cues.

Reading Without Limits has changed my son's life. Within one month he is bringing me chapter books to read. Word recognition, fluency, reading speed, and confidence have improved 100% from where we started. It is an amazing program!

What's the First Step?

We Begin with a Comprehensive Four Phase Evaluation

We uncovering which auditory, visual, and cognitive factors are interfering with reading ability.

Phase One –  we evaluate the eye’s ability to take in visual information.

Phase Two – we evaluate the eye’s ability to track properly and comprehend while reading.

Phase Three – we evaluate visual, auditory, and cognitive pattern recognition skills as they apply to word identification.

Phase Four – We evaluate the strength, stamina, flexibility, and endurance of the visual system to sustain reading activity.

All four phases of testing require 2 to 2.5 hours to complete and are generally not completed in one session. 

The cost for this comprehensive evaluation is $720. Payment plans are available and some medical insurance coverage may apply. 

Our Results Guarantee